We always love to visit High Point, NC for the semi-annual Furniture Market.
Its the industry’s top showcase of the very newest and best each manufacturer has to offer. Each market, we plan our visit carefully, based on what our clients are asking for, items we want to add to our lineup, and which exciting previews from the vendors catch our eye. With over 70,000 people in town to visit the 180+ buildings devoted to showrooms, it can be overwhelming, even for a seasoned market veteran!
Olliix Showroom, High Point, NC
So what do we look for when we’re shopping? Style. Value. Comfort.
We comb through the millions of options out there to bring you our best picks for the hottest new styles, at the best prices.
We also have a little fun while we’re there!
So what did we find this fall?
Lots of modern looks with a mid-century feel.
This long, low leather sofa was in the Four Hands Showroom.
Almost everyone has now gotten on the modern bandwagon. All of the reps were talking about Millenials, and what appeals to them. So if you’re 18-34 and you’re reading this, congratulations, you have some major buying power in the furniture industry!
Ashley Furniture Showroom, High Point, NC
Hygge, and lots of texture
Nouristan Showroom
“Hygge” prounounced ‘hoo-ga’ or ‘hue-gah’, is becoming increasingly recognisable and was originally a Norwegian term for wellbeing. Frequently described as ‘cosiness’ or ‘togetherness’ in English, when you think of cosy and warming interiors to create the perfect relaxing moment the mind instantly goes to lusciously soft textures which add another dimension to any interior – think chunky knit cushions, faux fur throws and fluffy woollen rugs. Made from the softest of materials from merino wool to cashmere, textured accessories are a huge trend of the moment with the layering of different tactile surfaces creating a styled look in any room and when combined with a roaring fire or soft candlelight, there is no setting more hygge.
Farmhouse is still going strong
For those of you who cried when you found out the Fixer Upper was going off the air, and you are planning your annual pilgrimage to the silos at Magnolia Market in Waco, fear not, your beloved ship lap is still on fire.
And after all of that work, we enjoyed a few drinks and relaxed before it’s back to work and back to bringing you the best home furnishings and decor we can find!
Shopping for accessories at Cyan Design